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ONO Capital Inc. > Our Services > Capital Procurement

Capital Procurement

Handling your procurement contracts needs from A to Z

Procurement contracts is more than just about sourcing equipment. It is about finding the right equipment, at the right price, and then getting it to you in a timely manner. We understand how important it is for your business to have the tools you need on hand to get your projects going, and work hard to make sure your project-specific procurement requirements are fulfilled to so that you receive quality equipment without hurting your bottom line.

We offer bespoke sourcing and procurement contracts services focused in procuring software, equipment, machinery and chemicals for companies in the oil & gas sector. With our global network and relationship with OEM’s and distributors  with over 1000 manufacturers & suppliers we have direct links to, we can source and procure any products on behalf of our clients ensuring all requirements have been satisfied.

  • Consultancy services
  • Technical support and manpower support services
  • End to end logistics
  • Procurement implementation

Oil & Gas
Industry Equipment

Procurement in the Oil & Gas Industry has become an essential service in today’s competitive marketplace. Our role is to find and supply all the manufactured goods associated with the exploration and delivery of oil and gas. We have the resources to deliver quality products to you make us your choice in equipment requirements.

Business Supplies

We offer comprehensive range from office supplies to PPE, production chemicals, additives for drilling/cementing/workover and treatments for refinery applications. We  provide a complete range of drilling fluid products and treating chemicals, including site specific products and programs, for its clients.

We act as your buying house, procuring equipment that range anywhere from $1,000 to $1,000,000 in value, locating and transporting them regardless of whether you need them in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, America, or right here in Canada.

We aim to reduce our client’s procurement contracts cost by and negotiating best prices in all procurement transactions we carry out on behalf of our clients.

Manufacturers and Suppliers

Below is a list of some manufacturers and suppliers, but this will surely kick start your search to ensure that your requirements are met and that the correct product is sourced from reputable brands. Some of these manufacturers are located in Canada, UK, Europe, Asia and America.

These are some of the key manufacturers and suppliers we source from:

AB Kihlstrom Fairey Mac S & S
Abanaki Fanuc Macawber Sabb
ABB Farval Mack Valves Saft
ABB Commander Fenwal Maclaren Saftronics
ABB Instrumentation Ferraz Mak Saginomiya
Acromag Ferraz Shawmut Linder MAN Sala Group
Action Air Festo Manecraft Salok
ADT Fire & Security Fg-line Marston Sangamo
Advanced Air Fibox Martonair Santon
Aeg Filtrine Marvac Sapag
Aerzen Fimet Masoneilan Saunders
Afriso-euro-index Gmbh Finder Masterpact Scandura
Agastat Finning Mak Mather & Platt Scapa
Agilent Fireater Maxiflow Schaller Automation
Airflex Fireye Maxseal Schenk
Airpax Fischer & Porter McDonnell & Miller Schermuly
Ajax Transmitters McLaren Scherzinger Pumps
Albion Fisher McMaster Schleicher
Alcon Fisher Controls McMurdo Schlumberger Gas
Allen Bradley FKI Mead Fluid Dynamics Schmersal
Alldos Flexibox Mecman Schrack
Allenwest Flotect Megger Schrader
Alltech Flow-mon Ltd MEM Schultz Pumps
Allweiler Flowseal Menvier Amberlec Scorpion
Almemo Fluke Merlin Gerin Scotch
Alpha Fry Flygt Metaflex Scott Bacharach
Alstom Foxboro Metafram SDT
Amal Framo Metal Work Seager Bearings
Amberlite Franke Metrosonics Sensonics
Amelec Fraser Hydraulics Midland Serck Audco
Amerace Friatec-Rhein Midtex Servotechnikk
Ametek Drexelbrook Fry Technology Midwest Shimadzu
Amri Fryolux Mirrlees Shipham
Anders Electronics Furmanea Mobil Siba
Anderson Greenwood Furmanite Modex Sick
Crosby G Modex Automation Siebe Gorman
Andre Gachot Modicon Siemens
Andrew & Fraser Gaco Mono Pump Siemens Lighting
API Teledyne Gai-tronics Moore Products Siemens Motors
Apollo Gallagher Moorflex Sigel
APV Garlock Moorlite Lighting Sigmund Pulsometer
APW Gates Morgan Berkeley Signature Industries
Argo Scientific GE Fanuc Motovarion Sihi
Ari GE Motor Spares MTE Silentbloc
Armitage Shanks GEC Fusegear MTI Simplatroll
Arrow Hart GEC Installation MTL Simplex
Asahi Equipment Muller & Weigert Simplex Lighting
Asco GEC Transmitter Card Multi-amp Siria
Ash Geho Murex Sirius
Ashcroft Gems Myhrwold & Rasmussen Skanti
Ashford Gemu N SKF
Astec George E Low Nabic Slinseal
Atlas Copco George Fischer Nadi SMC
Autoflame Gestra Naelelen Sa SMG Corp
Automation Facilities Geveke NAF Snaplock
Autronica Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon Napier Solkor
Avery Hardoll Giles Narvik Southern Power tools Spectrol
AVK Girdlestone Negretti Automation Sperre
Avo Glenfield & Kennedy NEI Spie
Axel Larsson Industries Glyptal NEI Control Systems Spirax Sarco
Axflow Gore-tex Nelson Sprague Products
B Grasshopper Nelson Industries Sprecher
Bac Valves Graviner Neuenhauser SPT
Baco Gresswell Kompressorenbau Stag
Badotherm Grinnell Newlec Stanhope Seta
Bailey Automation Guardmaster Newman Hender Stein
Bailey Birkett Guest & Chrimes Nife Stein Industrie
Baldor UK Gunnebo Nitto Stockham Valves
Bals Electrical Engineering H Nocchi Pompe Stork
Balston Haehne Norbro Stork Pumps
Bamag Hamon UK Norgren Streamline
Batley Hamworthy Norgren (Martonair) Stuff Valves
Bayham Hancock Novotechnik Sturtevant
Beha-Hedo Hankinson International NSK Sud Electric
Belimo Hankison Numatics Sulzer Rotec
Bell & Howell Harvey Hubbell Nyborg/Electrolux Sulzer Valves
Bellis & Morcom Hastie Steering Gear O Sunrod
Benford Hattersley Oasys Suntec
Berg Propulsion Hattersley Newman Obel Sure Air Tools
Besta Hender OEG Swagelock
Bestobell Hawke Oliver Pell Swiss Valve
Beta Valves Hawle Omega Symons
Bett Bon Headline Opto 22 Syr
BICC Components Heatpac Origa Syrex
Biconester Helicoil Oshino T
Biddle Hengstler Osram Tanabe
Bifold Hemley Oy Lining Taprogge
Bill Switchgear Heraeus Electro Nite P TEC
Birch Herion Pae Tectrite
Chadburn Herma Pains-Wessex Telaire
Chesterton Hick Hargreaves Pall Telemec
Chloropac Highland Electronics Panametric Télémécanique
C Hitachi Pangit Thermo Orion
Chris Marine Honeywell Park Air Systems Thioguard
Churchill Hopkinson Parker (Schrader) Thom Lamont
Ciat Hotfoil Parker (Hydrolix & Thomas & Betts
Circuitworks Hottinger Hannifin) Thorlux
Circutor Hottinger BM Parvalux Thorn
Clayton Of Belgium How Fire Patentband Tinsley
Clifford & Snell Howard Butler Paxman Tracer
Clippard Howden Peerless Winsmith Tracwest
Clorius Howell Stanway Pegler & Louden Trafag UK
Coalescer Huwood Penny & Giles Tranilamp
Cochran Boiler Hydac-Flupac Permaseal Trendview
Cole Parmer Hyrdaforce Hydraulics Persta Trico
Comat Hydrastep Persta-Stahl Trimor
Compair Hydreco Piab Trolex
Conbraco Hydrolab Peilstick Truflex
Cool Technology Hyster Plenty Filters Tufnol
Cooper Bussman Hytork Plenty Velan U
Cooperheat I Plycast Hymor UCC
Copes-Vulcan Ifs (International Fiber PMV Controls UK Solenoid
Coretch Systems) Pneumax United Brass Works
Coughtrie IMI Bailey Birkett Polymetron Uniten
Cpoac IMI Norgren Pont à Mousson Unitor
Craig & Derricott Inflo Controls Porter-Lancastrian Univer
Crane International Rectifier Potter Universal
Crane Valve & Pumps Internoman Potter & Bromfield V
Crompton Instruments Introl Potter Electric Signal Vacueasylift
Crosby Iris Power Bor Valvestock
Crouzet Iron Pump Precision Instruments Varley
Cutler Hammer Isco Prescor Vero
D Isoria Process Control Vicarb
Danfoss Converter Ives Needle Valves Prominent Fluid Controls Vickers
Danica J Protech Viledon
Daniel Europe J E Stork Pyrotenax Vogel Pumps
Dartcom James Howden R Vokes – Air Filters
David Brown Hydraulics JCB Radun Controls Vortex
Davy Jeavons Raychem Vossloh Schwabe
Dawson JMC Rayfast Vulcanic
Dawson Macdonald Jofra Rayleigh W
Dawson John Crane Redler Wabco Pneumatic
Deif John Hastie Regeltechnik Wabco Westinghouse
Delachaux Johnson Pumps Kornwestheim Wago
Delasco Pcm Jordan Reiss Waircorn
Delle Alstom Joucomatic Reliance Walsall Conduits
Densyl Jumo Renou Dardel Warman
Depa K Rexroth Warren Rupp
Dewrance Karl Dungs Reyrolle Watford
Dezurik KDG Instruments RGS Weco
Diamond Power Keene RGS Solenoid Valves Wednesbury
Diaphragm Pump Kent Introl RHP WEG
Dolphin Pump Keystart Ringo Valve Westinghouse
Domnick Hunter Keystone Ritz Pumps Westlock
Donkin Keyswitch Robbins Myers Weston
Drager Kiepe Rockwell Automation Westronic
Drexelbrook Kihlstrom Roebuck Wevdk
Drycol Kimberley Clark Rolls Royce Industrial Whipp & Bourne
Dunham-Bush Klinger International Controls Whitecroft
Duolite Klippon Kobelt Pneumatic Rose Whitey
Durapipe Korucarb Rosemount Wika
Durax Kracht Ross Wilkerson
E Krohne Rotorcomp Williams & James
EAO (Highland) KSB Rotork actuators Wirelock
Easidew KTM Ball Valves Rototherm Wood Air Movement
EBM Kuhnke Rotunda Wood Group Industrial
Efector L Royce Thompson Woods
Elaflex Landis & Gyr RS Components Woods (Tb)
Electro Controls Lang Pneumatic Ryax Woods Fans
Electrolux Larner Johnson Ryvin Woods Fire Systems
Electrolux/Nyborg Leistritz Woods Sure Flex
Elfab Liebert Hiross Woodward
Elmar Wessel Lincoln Welding Worcester
Elme LKM Worthington Simpson
Elomatic Loctite Wylex
Eltron Lohe Wynn Marine
Emform Lowara Y
Endevco Lucas Bryce Yanmar
Enerdis Lucifer Z
Enerpac Lumo Zellweger Analytics
Ensival LVF Ziton
Entrelec Zodion
Era Sib Zoedale
Erhardt Leimer
Evox Rifa

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